View Profile Mac-Pherson

Mac-Pherson's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 420 (From 106 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 5,620 Points

Cole Slaw

Medals Earned: 7/30 (40/490 points)

Champion! 5 Points

Win the Race.

Hamilton Combo 5 Points

Get a Kill Combo of 10

Impatient Douche 5 Points

Yeah, I didn't spend time and effort on that cutscene or anything.

Lincoln Combo 5 Points

Get a Kill Combo of 5

The First Step... 5 Points

Get Help. From the Help Menu.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Super A-OK! 5 Points

Visit SuperFTC.com! It's the site of this game's creator, Daniel Bucci!

The Code Won't Save You Now! 5 Points

Enter the Konami Code during the Race

10000 Points 10 Points

Score 10000 Points in Any Mode

5K 10 Points

Run for 5000m in Survival

Jackson Combo 10 Points

You Get the Picture, Right?

20000 Points Under the Sea 25 Points

Score 20000 Points in Any Mode

Go the Distance... Twice 25 Points

Double the Story Distance in Survival

Grant Combo 25 Points

This One Will Be Fun to Get

Announcer Story 50 Points

Witness the Announcer's side story by bumming around the walls.

Cole Slaw God 50 Points

Beat the Game on Hard Mode

Scorehammer 40000 50 Points

Score 40000 Points in Any Mode

Benjamin Combo 100 Points

Good Night and Good Luck

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Crush The Castle 2

Medals Earned: 12/22 (65/140 points)

Acidic 5 Points

Melt 100 castle pieces.

Air Burst 5 Points

Detonate a remote bomb in flight.

Bombastic 5 Points

Explode 100 castles pieces.

I'm a Lumberjack 5 Points

Destroy 10 castles with only log ammo.

Jack Frost 5 Points

Freeze 100 castle pieces.

Ladies First 5 Points

Kill a Princess or a Queen first on any level.

Last Laugh 5 Points

Kill the Jester last on any level.

Logged to Death 5 Points

Hit and kill an enemy directly with a log.

Oh The Humanity! 5 Points

Burn 5 enemies in one shot.

Priority Target 5 Points

Kill the king first on any level.

Pyromaniac 5 Points

Burn 100 castle pieces.

Prohibition 10 Points

Destroy 100 barrels.

A Freeze is Coming 5 Points

Freeze 3 enemies in one shot.

Death From Above 5 Points

Hit and enemy directly with a parachute bomb.

Electric Boogaloo 5 Points

Electrocute 5 enemies in one shot.

I'm Melting 5 Points

Cover an enemy in acid.

Throw Like a Girl 5 Points

Throw after the trebuchet has reached it's return point.

You're Doing It Wrong 5 Points

Kill and enemy with a remove bomb without detonating it.

Veteran Crusher 10 Points

Crush all castles

Golden God 25 Points

Get gold medals on all castles.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Days Of Blood

Medals Earned: 3/21 (20/460 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Kill your first enemy!

Shield Trash 5 Points

Kill 10 Enemies using your shield

Patient Player 10 Points

Watch all the intro of the game without skipping it.

Angry Knight 5 Points

Kill 100 enemies

Awkward Moment 5 Points

Die without killing anyone... awkward...

Flying death 5 Points

Kill 10 enemies throwing your sword!

Dead from above 10 Points

Kill 30 enemies throwing your sword!

Furious Knight 10 Points

Kill 200 Enemies

Shield Rage 10 Points

Kill 25 Enemies using your shield

Vicious Knight 10 Points

Kill 300 Enemies

Boom! Who's your daddy? 25 Points

Kill 80 Enemies using your shield

Killer 25 Points

Kill 400 Enemies

Medieval Sniper 25 Points

Kill 50 enemies throwing your sword!

My Shield Is My Weapon 25 Points

Kill 99 Enemies using your shield!

Shield Time Baby! 25 Points

Kill 50 Enemies using your shield

Blood for Dinner 50 Points

Kill 500 Enemies

Epic 50 Points

Kill all 666 enemies without dying.

Live To Kill 50 Points

Kill 600 Enemies! Haggr!

Ultimate Killing Machine 100 Points

Kill Everyone!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Defend Your Trump

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/50 points)

Claw Crusher 5 Points

Beat the first boss.

Double Defense 5 Points

Beat the second boss.

Young Trump 5 Points

Beat Classic mode.

Triumphant Trump 10 Points

Beat the game.

Trumped-Up 25 Points

Beat the game with at least $100B left.

Deliver That Fulp

Medals Earned: 6/13 (70/155 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Desktop Racing

Medals Earned: 6/10 (80/290 points)

Flipping out 5 Points

10 flips performed in 3 levels

Star collector 5 Points

Get 20 stars

Coffee catastrophe 10 Points

Race completed with coffee stain

Rich man 10 Points

Get 100 stars

Man of fortune 25 Points

Get 250 stars

Stuntman 25 Points

Flying up through the 27 rings

100% health 10 Points

Level completed with 100% health

Final lap 50 Points

Unlock all levels

Treasure hunter 50 Points

Find a ruby

Racing reverse 100 Points

Level completed in reverse

Die Hipster!

Medals Earned: 2/20 (10/500 points)

02 The Least Interesting Man in the World 5 Points

well! what is it!

08 Artistic Potential 5 Points


01 The Final Elbows 5 Points

well! what it is!

03 ePolaroid 5 Points

*looks skyward*

04 The Smartest Man in the World 5 Points

*points down*

05 Billbored 5 Points

praise the sun!

06 Endgame 5 Points

*proper bow*

07 Moustache Man 5 Points

r1 r1 r1 r1

09 Hitmen 5 Points

roll bs roll bs roll bs

10 The Mast Judgement 5 Points


010 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

010 dies lol

020 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

020 dies

030 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

030 dies

040 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

040 dies

050 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

050 dies

060 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

060 dies

070 DEAD HIPSTERS 50 Points

070 dies

080 DEAD HIPSTERS 50 Points

080 dies

090 DEAD HIPSTERS 100 Points

090 dies

100 DEAD HIPSTERS 100 Points

100 dies omgwtf


Medals Earned: 7/9 (100/250 points)

Learn to fly 5 Points

Evolve the vertical movement mutation

Blood on your hands 25 Points

Get to rank 3 in the Destroyer challenge

Phew, that was close 25 Points

Get to rank 3 of the Graze challenge

Two Headed Freak 25 Points

Get to rank 3 in the Mutant challenge

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Job done 50 Points

Complete the game

You're the man 100 Points

Complete all the challenges

Elf Story

Medals Earned: 6/44 (60/500 points)

Baseball Bat 5 Points

You found the baseball bat!

Fanboy 5 Points

You found the fanboy hoodie! It's from your favorite game of all time!

Start 5 Points

Start the game... press the play button.

Fatal Error 10 Points

You found the only way to die in scene 1!

Goober 10 Points

You found the Goober action figurine!

Knife 25 Points

You found the knife!

Arrow Death 5 Points

You got impaled by a Gobblo's arrow!

Arrow To The Neck 5 Points

Ouch. You took an arrow straight to the neckery.

Arrow To The Stomach 5 Points

Yeowch. You took a nasty arrow to the stomachial region.

Extra Kupo 5 Points

You've earned extra kupo!

Giant Fist 5 Points

You caught a giant fist to the face... and exploded. True story.

Got Battle Dagger 5 Points

The kitchen knife that you found has turned into the battle dagger! Shweet!

Got Bombs 5 Points

You got yourself some bombs! Now, let's go blow s**t up!

Got Soul Bangle 5 Points

You got the Soul Bangle dude! Now you can throw blue fireballs! Hadoken!

Got Steel Sword 5 Points

You've found a way to get the Steel Sword! Congratulations!

Got Wooden Sword 5 Points

The bat that you found has turned into a wooden sword!

Halfsies 5 Points

You got split into two by a bandit elf! Crap!

Impalation 5 Points

You got impaled by a bandit elf's thrown sword! Deadly!

Skull 5 Points

You found the hidden skull!

Beatdown 10 Points

You beat the crap out of that bandit elf! Yeesh...

Blue Flames 10 Points

You used the Soul Bangle to send a powerful blast of blue energy at an unlucky bandit elf.

Bombed 10 Points

You chucked a bomb at a bandit and blew his guts all over the place!

Dagger To La Face 10 Points

You said, "Screw it!" and threw your dagger at a bandit's face! Shweet!

Dead Bird 10 Points

You found the dead blue bird!

Electrocuted 10 Points

You electrocuted a bandit elf via a Super Pretendo controller!

Face Knifed 10 Points

You stuck a dangerously sharp dagger into the fleshy face of an outclassed bandit elf... Nicely done.

Gobblo Arrow Kill 10 Points

You made the Gobblo enemy shoot himself in the face! Cool!

Gobblo Dagger Kill 10 Points

Kill the Gobblo with the Battle Dagger!

Gobblo Wood Kill 10 Points

You killed a Gobblo with the wooden sword!

No Defense 10 Points

You failed to block an incoming vertical slash... tsk, tsk...

Pissed Off Shopkeeper 10 Points

Dude.... You so shouldn't have made Hobart mad, dude.

Rock Death 10 Points

You killed yourself using an immensely heavy rock!

Spin Attack 10 Points

You used the jumping spin attack on that blondie of a bandit elf! Good work.

Spinning Destruction 10 Points

You used an ultra-powerful, double spin slash to decimate the bandit elf who deserved it!

Squished 10 Points

The Ogre grabbed you and squeezed you until you went "pop"

Stabbered 10 Points

The bandit threw a knife at you and gotcha right through the heart!

Weak Defense 10 Points

Looks like you TRIED to block, buuuut..... yeeeaaahhh....

Wheel Of Decimation 10 Points

Whoah... Don't you think that was a bit... uh, overkill? It was entertaining though.

You Should Block 10 Points

Sooo, yeah, you should try blocking sometime....

Controller 25 Points

You found the video game controller!

Poop 25 Points

You found bird poop! Yay!

Shrunken Head 25 Points

You found the magical shrunken head!

Game Won 50 Points

You freakin' beat the freakin' game! Holy moly!

Ogre Destroyed 50 Points

You've defeated the Ogre! Holy crap!

Empire Business

Medals Earned: 11/11 (160/160 points)

Banking It 5 Points

Unlock the Bank.

Breaking a Thousand 5 Points

Earn $1,000.

Come to Me 5 Points

Unlock the Strong Magnet.

Open Up! 5 Points

Unlock the Cash Box.

Generator 10 Points

Make money just by sitting there.

Lots of Cheddar 10 Points

Earn $10,000.

So You're Saying There's a Chance... 10 Points

Earn way more money than the minted value of the coins.

Virtual Money 10 Points

Let your bank do all the work.

Millionaire 25 Points

Earn $1,000,000.

Time for Expansion 25 Points

Buy the final upgrade.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!